We are open to collaboration with other initiatives which follow the same objectives, and expressly do not
view ourselves as being in competition with existing programs. The education institutes of the region value us as a contact partner for excursions, experiment days and for our expertise. We wish to supplement our educational landscape with our technological background.
Our approach does not apply to just supporting „toplevel sports“ but to introducing a broad spectrum of
young people to technological issues. For this reason, we normally organise our events for groups which are supervised by the respective educationalists. Furthermore, we are in constant communication with
teachers and educators at the ROKIDS bilingual day care center and the ROBIGS bilingual grade school in order to further develop the quality of our range of offers.
Support for Competitions
Besides our own range of offers, we support initiatives through which adolescents can measure their talents in competitions. Our commitment in this area dates back to 2005 and continues to develop.
Jugend forscht - Schüler experimentieren(Youth research – pupils conduct experiments)
The World Robot Olympiad
Management Information Game (MIG)
Project MinT (Mädchen in Technik - Girls in Technology)
Day of the Future
(Girls and Boys Day)
Lingen's Ferienpassaktion ('Holiday pass' program)