Digital Experiment Days
We offer digital experiment days for school classes or groups of pupils who are unable to visit us in the ROYOUTH Center. We connect with the young people via video chat and can thus present the corresponding topic, conduct workshops and answer questions. The pupils work together with the teacher in the school and are digitally guided by us through the experiment day.
Programming with the Calliope mini
Using the Calliope mini (a single-board computer) and the Open Roberta Lab, young people learn the early basics of programming. With the help of a graphical programming language, the introduction to this topic is easy. Together, we use the Calliope mini to make LEDs light up, pictures and texts appear, and songs sound. Participation in the course is also possible without the Calliope mini.
My first app
In this workshop, the young people can program their first own app for the smartphone. To do this, they will learn about the programming environment, create the app interface and then program the functions. Finally, the app will be tested on their own smartphone. The programming currently only works for smartphones with Android operating system.